★FILM サーフ・ドキュメンタリー「Father of Japanese Surfing」上映


サーフ・ドキュメンタリー「Father of Japanese Surfing」上映

5/28(土) 19:00~

米沢市兵衛とタックカワハラ。このふたりの名前を、僕たち日本人サーファーはしっかりと記憶しておかなければならない。なぜなら彼らは、日本で最初にアメリカのテクノロジーで作られた国産サーフボード「Malibu Surfboard」を造り、それを普及させた最初の人物だからだ。

年齢も国籍も違うふたりが、数々の苦難を乗り越え、誕生した「Malibu Surfboard」。当時の貴重な写真と、埋もれていた秘話を掘り起こす貴重なインタビューで構成された、日本のサーフシーンを語る上で欠かすことのできないサーフ・ドキュメンタリー。

Father of Japanese Surfing(1041 Film・田中俊人監督作品/2016年)


Father of Japanese Surfing—A documentary film of surfing in Japan
Preview showing from 19:00pm, May 28, 2016

YONEZAWA Ichibei and Tak KAWAHARA. We Japanese surfers must remember and never forget these names. For they are the very ones who brought out and familiarize the Malibu Surfboard, the first surfboard domestically produced in Japan with American surfboard technology.

Different from each other both in age and nationality, these two men after overcoming various hardships finally gave birth to the Malibu Surfboard. Invaluable interviews in this film uncover their forgotten episodes with precious photos of those times. A must-see for those who are to speak of Japanese surfing scenes.

—Father of Japanese Surfing (A 1041 Film, directed by TANAKA Toshihito, 2016)

NOTE: The preview show on May 28 will be in aid of charity to support the victims of the Kumamoto Earthquake. Whereas no admission fee is required, your donation will be welcome regardless of the amount.

Father of Japanese Surfing 〜監督からのメッセージ〜

ボブディランの”Blowin’ In The Wind”がリリースされた1963年5月、ひとりの日系人がHobbieのサーフボードを片手に、羽田空港に降り立った。彼の名前はタックカワハラ。


そのふたりが、数々の苦難を乗り越え、誕生したのが「Malibu Surfboard」だった。




1041 Film 田中俊人

Father of Japanese Surfing—Message from the director

It was in May of 1963, when Bob Dylan’s “Blowing in the wind” was released, that one Japanese American guy with a Hobbie surfboard in one hand set foot on the ground at the Haneda airport. His name is Tak KAWAHARA.

He had sent a letter of proposal to YONEZAWA Ichibei who envisioning that surfing would enchant Japanese youth accepted Tak’s offer, and resolved to invest in its future at the time when virtually no one knew what surfing was.

A few years later the Malibu Surfboard was born from the various hardships these two had gone through.

Yonezawa Ichibei had never ridden surf nor made a surfboard. He never had the joy of surfing himself. But he decided to work with Tak Kawahara who would realize his dream of making surfboards of his brand. We Japanese surfers should remember and never forget the names of these two. For they are the very ones who produced and familiarized the first authentic surfboards in Japan with American technologies.

53 years have passed and today surfing is one of the candidate competitions in the Olympic Games. Did Tak and Ichibei ever imagine this growth of surfing in Japan?

This documentary film looks back the earliest days of surfing in Japan, and hopefully will make ourselves see the present. Beaches and people will never be the same. The surfs and the boards on which you ride the surf change day by day, year by year. But the simplicity of riding the surf never changes. It would be great if you find out hints to live the present in the dream that those two souls, different from each other both in age and nationality, pictured of the sport of the surf.

TANAKA Toshihito, 1041 Film
May 13, 2016

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